

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 8:30-21:00




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閱讀是積累詞匯,培養(yǎng)語(yǔ)感的一個(gè)好辦法,我們平時(shí)用的閱讀材料可能是一些日常話題,比如VOA、BBC這些新聞。下面介紹怎樣學(xué)好外貿(mào)英語(yǔ),希望這些內(nèi)容可以幫到您。 怎樣學(xué)好外貿(mào)英語(yǔ) 一、積累詞匯 作為實(shí)用性很強(qiáng)的一門英語(yǔ)分支,外貿(mào)英語(yǔ)有其特定的專業(yè)詞匯,沒(méi)接觸過(guò)的可能不了解其含義,舉個(gè)例子,perishable goods(易腐物品),inland invoice(國(guó)內(nèi)發(fā)票)。想要最終達(dá)到開(kāi)口說(shuō)的目的,必須先打好詞匯基礎(chǔ)。建議從平時(shí)工作中出現(xiàn)的高頻詞匯學(xué)起,準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)小本子把它們記下來(lái),有空就背。背的時(shí)候一定要聯(lián)系語(yǔ)境,脫離上下文是很難記牢的。 二、拓展閱讀 閱讀是積累詞匯,培養(yǎng)語(yǔ)感的一個(gè)好辦法。我們平時(shí)用的閱讀材料可能是一些日常話題,比如VOA、BBC這些新聞。但既然你想要提高的是外貿(mào)英語(yǔ),就應(yīng)該涉獵一些貿(mào)易方面的閱讀材料,典型的有《經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)人》、《華爾街日?qǐng)?bào)》、《財(cái)富》等等。剛開(kāi)始讀可能會(huì)覺(jué)得很難,但一篇篇去啃還是能收獲不少東西的。 三、重視聽(tīng)說(shuō) 想提高外貿(mào)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ),聽(tīng)、說(shuō)訓(xùn)練是最重要的部分。聽(tīng)力當(dāng)然也是要以外貿(mào)材料為主,可以下載一些這方面的app。平時(shí)多接觸說(shuō)英語(yǔ)的客戶,對(duì)不同地區(qū)的英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)保持敏感度??谡Z(yǔ)方面,如果找不到合適的搭檔,可以去報(bào)個(gè)在線課程。之前有朋友去一線口語(yǔ)報(bào)的短期班,據(jù)說(shuō)是外教一對(duì)一教學(xué),兩個(gè)月下來(lái)我看她就能跟外國(guó)客戶暢聊了。 四、學(xué)以致用 學(xué)以致用是針對(duì)以上三點(diǎn)來(lái)說(shuō)的。積累的詞匯和閱讀中記下來(lái)的表達(dá)不是放在那里就完事了,我們要想盡辦法在平時(shí)的工作中加以運(yùn)用。只有會(huì)用了才能變成你自己的。聽(tīng)、說(shuō)也是一個(gè)道理,從外教那里學(xué)到的句子除了當(dāng)時(shí)多加演練以外,平時(shí)接觸外國(guó)客戶的時(shí)候也要盡可能地用起來(lái)。 2 英語(yǔ)不好的外貿(mào)人如何提高自身水平 1.量力而為 既然你英語(yǔ)差,就不要妄圖寫的多漂亮,用很多的定語(yǔ)從句、虛擬語(yǔ)氣等等,就寫短句就行。表達(dá)的清晰明了越好,比如:我來(lái)自青島,一個(gè)美麗的沿海城市。I come from QingDao, which is a beautiful coastal city. 如果是考試,這句話絕對(duì)要比I come from QingDao, and it is a beautiful coastal city.要得分高。但是做外貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)不是考試,沒(méi)有人給你評(píng)分,你要做的是通過(guò)最簡(jiǎn)單的語(yǔ)言,表達(dá)清楚你要傳達(dá)的意思。 2.擅用工具 Reading is a good way to accumulate vocabulary and develop language sense. The reading materials we usually use may be some daily topics, such as VOA and BBC news. How to learn foreign trade English well is introduced below, hope these content can help you. How to learn foreign trade English well 1. Accumulate vocabulary As an English branch with strong practicability, foreign trade English has its own specific professional vocabulary. Those who have not been exposed to it may not understand its meaning. For example, perishable goods and inland invoice. If you want to finally achieve the goal of opening your mouth, you must first lay a good vocabulary foundation. Suggest from the usual work of high frequency vocabulary learning, prepare a small notebook to write them down, free on the back. It is difficult to remember out of context. Second, expand reading Reading is a good way to accumulate vocabulary and develop a sense of language. The reading materials we usually use may be some daily topics, such as VOA and BBC news. But since what you want to improve is foreign trade English, you should read some trade reading materials, such as the economist, the Wall Street journal, fortune and so on. You may find it difficult to read at first, but you can still get a lot out of reading one piece at a time. Third, pay attention to listening and speaking Want to improve the spoken English of foreign trade, listening and speaking training is the most important part. Listening is of course to foreign trade materials based, you can download some of this aspect of the app. Keep in touch with english-speaking customers and keep sensitive to spoken English in different regions. For oral English, if you can't find a suitable partner, you can take an online course. Before, a friend went to a short-term oral English class, which is said to be one-to-one teaching by a foreign teacher. After two months, I saw that she could chat with foreign clients freely. Put what you have learned into practice Learning for practical use is for the above three points. Accumulated vocabulary and expressions written down in reading are not just left there. We should try our best to apply them in our daily work. Only when you know how to use it can you become your own. Listening and speaking are also the same reason. In addition to practicing the sentences learned from foreign teachers, we should try our best to use them when we come into contact with foreign customers. 2 How does the foreign trade person that English is bad improve oneself level Do what you can Since your English is poor, don't try to write more beautiful, with a lot of attributive clauses, subjunctive mood and so on, just write a short sentence. The clearer the expression, the better. For example, I come from Qingdao, a beautiful coastal city. I come from QingDao, which is a beautiful coastal city. If it is the examination, this sentence will definitely be higher than I come from QingDao, and it is a beautiful coastal city. But doing foreign trade business is not a test, no one gives you a score, you have to do is through the simplest language, express clearly what you want to convey the meaning.