

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 8:30-21:00




課程價格: ¥3200.00元






e2say上??焖偬岣哂⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班|快速英語口語培訓(xùn)班是您快速提高英語口語的*選擇 e2say 口語培訓(xùn)中心,成立于2005年8月,是elanso旗下英語口語培訓(xùn)機構(gòu),旨在為*的英語學(xué)習(xí)者提供身臨其境的實用日常英語口語培訓(xùn)班的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。e2say上??焖偬岣哂⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班|快速英語口語培訓(xùn)班的外教,全部來自美國、英國、加拿大、澳大利亞等英語*,發(fā)音純正地道,教學(xué)經(jīng)驗豐富。 上海 快速 提高 英語 口語培訓(xùn)班、上??焖儆⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班就來e2say,一周不到就能夠大大方方地講英語 課程內(nèi)容介紹 Course Content Introduction 上海 快速 提高 英語 口語培訓(xùn)班、上??焖儆⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班注重實用效果,通過短期的培訓(xùn),就可以掌握地道的英語表達方式,讓您自如地應(yīng)對英語日常會話的各種情境,讓您不再緊張窘迫,從此大大方方說英語。課程內(nèi)容從最貼近日常生活的話題開始,比如:一覺醒來、早餐、早上個人事務(wù)、個人愛好、表到感受、談?wù)撎鞖狻⒙牪欢畷r如何有禮貌地請對方復(fù)述、職業(yè)生涯思考、餐廳與美食、性格傾向、結(jié)交朋友、修復(fù)人際關(guān)系 … … 等等,幫助學(xué)員使用英語聯(lián)想并描述日常生活的事物與事務(wù),使用英語進入人際交往、了解他人,建立和暢談共同話題。 Conversational English is extremely important as it is the way that English is most frequently used and the manner in which we are most likely to communicate with others. This course content therefore focuses on the most common topics in everyday life. Examples include: waking up, breakfast, morning routine, hobbies, expressing feelings, the weather, careers, food and restaurants, personal character, making friends etc. This course aims to help students use English to talk about everyday matters, to communicate with others, to understand others and be able to talk freely about a topic. 適合人群 Suitable For ? 口語基礎(chǔ)比較薄弱,在開口說英語之前通常感到緊張或有長時間的停頓 Students who do not have a strong base in spoken English and are often very hesitant and nervous when speaking English. ? 較緊張,有很多想說,但說不出來,還沒有習(xí)慣用英語進行日常交流 Students who have a lot to say but do not know how to say it and still have not got used to using English in everyday conversations. ? 對絕大部分的問題只是被動回答或“Yes/No”的簡單回答,沒有主動進行交流、建立互動或延伸話題 Students who can only give a simple “yes/no” or passive answer to most questions and do not take the initiative to carry on the conversation to create a two-way dialogue. 開班日期:隨到隨學(xué) 月 課 時:36課時 上課時間:9:00-20:00 培訓(xùn)周期:約3個月 授課老師:Ella老師 心動不如行動,現(xiàn)在就參加上??焖偬岣哂⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班|快速英語口語培訓(xùn)班 就有一趟免費體驗課 免費體驗課地址: 報名時請告知來自久學(xué)網(wǎng),以便贈送體驗課 本課程目標(biāo) Aims of the Course 上海 快速 提高 英語 口語培訓(xùn)班、上??焖儆⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班課程旨在通過連貫的對話教學(xué)互動,幫助學(xué)員建立說英語的自信心。學(xué)員將能夠擴充詞匯、自如地運用新短語。尤其著重以下方面的訓(xùn)練: This course aims to develop the student’s confidence in speaking English through constant dialogue with their English teacher. Students should expand their vocabulary and feel comfortable to use new phrases. Specifically the course intends to: ? 幫助學(xué)員進入英語交流的自如狀態(tài),不再緊張,樂意多說英語 Help the student freely take part in an English conversation without being nervous and encourage the student to become more willing to speak in English. ? 開始習(xí)慣說完整的句子,而不是零碎的單詞或短語 Enable the student to get used to speaking in full sentences, rather than in single words and phrases. ? 能夠運用基本的句式,清楚地表達自己的意思 Allow the student to make use of basic sentence structures to clearly express their thoughts. 歡迎報名參加上??焖偬岣哂⒄Z口語培訓(xùn)班|快速英語口語培訓(xùn)班